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Appointment Of Fifteen Additional Judges For The Federal High Court: Request For Petitions And Opposition To The Appointment Of Shortlisted Individuals

Appointment Of Fifteen Additional Judges For The Federal High Court: Request For Petitions And Opposition To The Appointment Of Shortlisted Individuals

Dear Colleagues,


Recall that on the 7th day of January 2022, the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) through its Judiciary Committee called for expression of interest, from suitably qualified legal practitioners from specific States in Nigeria for appointment as Judges of the Federal High Court. This call was based on a request for nomination sent to the NBA President by the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court of Nigeria.

Consequently, following receipt of expressions of interest from 164 members, the NBA, hereby publishes the names of the potential appointees and requests members of the Bar and the general public to submit petitions and/or make comments on the suitability for appointment of any of the listed members. The comments/petitions must be sent to the NBA Secretariat or through the designated email, on or before the 9th day of February 2022.

This exercise is aimed at fostering the resolve and commitment of the NBA to strengthen our Judiciary by enthroning a transparent process which would ensure that only suitably qualified candidates are appointed to the Bench.

Kindly find attached the request for petitions/comments together with the list of potential appointees.


See Also

Dr. Rapulu Nduka

Publicity Secretary,

Nigerian Bar Association.

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