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NBA-SARC Condemns The Kidnap Of 3 Members Of The NBA Warri Branch And Speaks On Protective Measures For Lawyers.

NBA-SARC Condemns The Kidnap Of 3 Members Of The NBA Warri Branch And Speaks On Protective Measures For Lawyers.

On Saturday, February 5th, 2022, I received with much joy and relief the news of the release of the three members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Warri branch who were kidnapped on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 along Benin-Auchi Road. I join the families of the three lawyers, the NBA Warri branch and the Nigerian Bar Association in general in celebrating the release of the three lawyers.

This tragic incident indeed serves as an eye opener and brings to light the urgent need for the Edo State Government to take steps to ensure that the lives of its citizens are protected at all times and at all cost. I employ the Nigeria Police Force and Edo State Government to put in place safety measures to curb this devastating trend that seems to be on the rise.

As the Chairman of the NBA-SARC, the protection of members of the Nigerian Bar Association is of top most priority. Lawyers are now endangered species in the society whose affairs the Bar seeks to protect. The society we find ourselves in is an unsafe one where crime thrives, and the lawyers who are dutifully fighting against social ills are endangered hence the establishment of the NBA-Security Agencies Relation Commitee. It is paramount that we all strive to create a society where lawyers can confidently and comfortably discharge their professional responsibilities without the fear of being kidnapped, harassed or harmed in anyway.

NBA-SARC ultimately frowns at any form of maltreatment, oppression or disregard for legal practitioners and promises members of the Bar justice in all situations. In line with mandate of the committee we are taking steps daily to ensure that all lawyers in Nigeria are protected at all cost. Hence, legal practitioners across the country are encouraged to go about their day to day activities without fear of oppression of any kind, shape or form. We remain committed to the safety and welfare of the Nigeria Bar Association and the progress of the nation.





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Chairman, NBA-SARC.

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