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Dear NEC Members,
There will be a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on the date, time, and venue specified hereunder: The meeting shall be held hybrid and members would be sent the link for the meeting.
DATE: Thursday, 1st December 2022 (Arrival on Wednesday, 30th November 2022 and Departure on Friday, 2nd December 2022).
TIME: 10:00 a.m prompt.
VENUE: NBA Auditorium, NBA House, Plot 1101 Muhamadu Buhari Way, Cadastral Zone A00 Central Area, Abuja – FCT.
1. NEC Prayer
2. Review of the Minutes of the last Pre – NEC Meeting of Sunday, 25th August 2022.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. President’s Speech
5. National Secretariat Report
6. Reports from Sections, Committees, and Fora.
7. Presentation of budget
8. State of the Nation
9. Any other Business
Please note that attendance for this NEC meeting is limited only to Statutory NEC members:
1. National Officers
2. Past Presidents
3. Past General Secretaries
4. Branch Chairmen
5. Branch Secretaries
6. Chairmen and Secretaries of Sections and Fora
Documents for the NEC Meeting would be circulated to the NEC members by e-mail ahead of the meeting date. Members are therefore encouraged to attend the NEC Meeting with their devices (Laptops, I-Pads, Smart Phones, etc.) containing such previously downloaded meeting documents. Members may also wish to print and bring with them hard copies of the documents for the meeting.
For further inquiries please contact the General Secretary or Grace Igyo at the NBA Secretariat, Bar Services Department on 08065901348. For booking and reservation of hotel accommodation please contact the National Welfare Secretary: Ms.Chinyere Obasi, on 08035649662
General Secretary, NBA.
Lawyard is a legal media and services platform that provides enlightenment and access to legal services to members of the public (individuals and businesses) while also availing lawyers of needed information on new trends and resources in various areas of practice.