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2024 Pre-May Day Lecture: Labour Laws and Trade Unions in Nigeria by Justice Kanyip

2024 Pre-May Day Lecture: Labour Laws and Trade Unions in Nigeria by Justice Kanyip

Labour Laws and Trade Unions in Nigeria*


Hon. Justice Benedict Bakwaph Kanyip, PhD, OFR, FNIALS, FCTI, FCArbª President, National Industrial Court of Nigeria AND

Member, ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR)



1. As I thank the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) for the invitation to deliver the 2024 Pre-May Day Lecture, I must take this opportunity to extend to you all, on behalf of the judges and staff of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN), our felicitations as to the forthcoming 2024 May Day celebrations.

See Also

2. I have lamented to the President of the NLC that while government, employers and lawyers have engaged us at the NICN in discussions on the new labour jurisprudence that is evolving since the promulgation of the Third Alteration to the 1999 Constitution, labour appears to be indifferent. Not so anymore, it seems, given the present invitation to deliver this keynote lecture. This is a good sign. For unless we all go back to school, the evolving labour jurisprudence may elude us all.


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