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H. Odein Ajumogobia SAN, OFR, Endorses Olumide Akpata for NBA President 2020, Says Akpata Will Reinforce the Unity of the Bar Once More

H. Odein Ajumogobia SAN, OFR, Endorses Olumide Akpata for NBA President 2020, Says Akpata Will Reinforce the Unity of the Bar Once More

I wish to go on record as endorsing Olumide Akpata Esq. for the office of President of the Nigerian Bar Association. My support, after much reflection, and a careful review of the individuals who seek the office in this imminent election, is based on his distinguished legal career and achievements, his dedication to the development of the Bar and his proven commitment to core values that have been so severely eroded in the legal profession in Nigeria. He would in my opinion be an outstanding NBA President.

I’ve known Olu professionally for over 20 years, and he is of the highest professional and personal integrity. He would bring to the office considerable knowledge and international exposure; invaluable administrative experience from managing Templars, one of the Nigeria’s largest and pre-eminent law firms, and leading the NBA’s Section on Business Law (SBL) from 2016 to 2018 when he served as its fifth Chairman; and a compassionate approach to leadership which he has demonstrated in the several successful, progressive policies and programmes he championed as SBL Chairman including the young legal practitioners’ capacity building initiatives that sponsored the attendance of dozens of young lawyers at the two international standard SBL conferences he organized.

On a final note, my choice of Olu is also partly informed by my conviction that the NBA comprises a single Bar; and that members of the Outer Bar that elect not to pursue the path of courtroom advocacy, but are in all respects as distinguished as their Senior Advocate colleagues, are just as qualified to serve as President of our esteemed Association as a number of illustrious Outer Bar members have done with distinction in past years. When another talented candidate like Olu Akpata, with impeccable credentials and the right temperament and character presents himself for the office of President of the NBA, he brings to the contest the formidable added attribute of reinforcing the unity of the Bar once more..

Olu Akpata personifies the profile that our profession ought to hold up as an example of the ideal candidate for the office of President of the NBA at this time. He would act as a bridge between the young and old; between the majority of young practitioners of the Outer Bar that registered to vote in this election and the privileged number of practitioners admitted to the Inner Bar. The strength of the Nigerian Bar Association, as we confront the tremendous challenge posed by falling standards across the board, in our profession, must be grounded in our unity.

I therefore wholeheartedly endorse Olumide Akpata to be next president of the Nigerian Bar Association.

-H. Odein Ajumogobia SAN FCIArb OFR

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