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State House Clinic, Closed To The Public – Presidency

State House Clinic, Closed To The Public – Presidency

Tijani Umar, Permanent Secretary of State House, has announced that the State House Medical Center will no longer be open for public patronage.

According to Umar, the clinic which was originally established to provide health care services to the President, Vice president, their families as well as members of staff of the Presidential Villa, now caters for about 32,000 patients, adding that mode of operation was no longer sustainable due to the drop in budgetary allocations.

Umar said, “The clinic used to be a yardstick for performance measurement in the medical enclave and pride of the highly trained and experience personnel working there.

“However, in recent years, it was observed that services rendered at the clinic to the privileged few, suffer a noticeable decline to almost zero service delivery.

“This resulted in a mockery of the facility and loss of confidence by its customers on its ability to render effective service.

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“In an effort to upturn this ugly trend and revive it’s past glory, the State House Management reversed the Medical Center profile granted the facility, to its original status of Clinic, in order to limit the number of patients it handles and also maintain the original purpose it was created for.

“We are going to trim down the number of unentitled people, these sort of patients are the ones bringing constraints to us and this scaling down will assist us to look at those areas requiring improvement. “

President Muhammadu Buhari has last year issued a directive that the facility be revert to a clinic to serve the original purpose of its establishment.

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