NBA YLF Secures 50 Slots for Young Lawyers to Attend ESQ African Law Firm Strategic Growth Conference 2020
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The referenced Conference is a Virtual Conference designed to provide insights on how to survive the current challenges facing Law firms and their clients today and to redefine law firm strategies in a tech-driven future. The event features seasoned and well renowned speakers.
The NBA YLF in conjunction with ESQ Training Limited will be giving out 50 slots to eligible Young Lawyers to participate in the training. To be eligible, interested participants are to indicate their interest by sending emails to stating their Name, Year of Call and Email address on or before close of business today, April 14, 2020. The sponsorship is only open to Lawyers called not earlier than 2014.
Please note that there are limited slots and selection will be made on a first come first serve basis.
PS: There will be a test-run of the event on Friday, 17th, April, 2020 to educate participants on how to participate seamlessly in the virtual conference .
Lawyard is a legal media and services platform that provides enlightenment and access to legal services to members of the public (individuals and businesses) while also availing lawyers of needed information on new trends and resources in various areas of practice.