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When Should You Contact A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

When Should You Contact A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

If you sustained injuries in a car accident, you should know what to do and who to turn to for help. Thus, regardless of how big or small the collision is, it’s important to speak with a lawyer to make sure you protect your legal rights and get fair compensation for your injuries. 

Below are the specific instances that should prompt you to contact a lawyer after a car accident: 

  1. When You Sustained Serious Injuries That Affect Your Ability to Work

If you’ve been seriously injured by a car accident, knowing when to contact a lawyer is extremely important. This is especially true when those injuries will affect your earning capacity for a long time. 

Typically, an auto collision involving serious injuries can lead to a complicated lawsuit. Hence, if you want to ensure a positive outcome, let a legal professional help you handle the complex issues of the case.

They know exactly how to compute and maximize the right amount of compensation you’re entitled under the law, and will represent you in all legal proceedings. 

2. When the Insurance Company Is In Bad Faith

Typically, the insurance company doesn’t have an obligation to act in your best interests. Whether you deal with your own insurance company or that of the other party, they’ll look for ways to reduce the value of your claim or deny the same without giving a reasonable explanation. 

Therefore, if you think the insurance company is acting in bad faith, don’t hesitate to choose the right attorney who can advocate for your rights throughout your legal battle.

In this situation, they can be your ally in fighting for the compensation and justice you rightfully deserve. With them on your side, you can prevent the insurance company from persuading you to sign a settlement offer that’s lower than what you should receive, as well as from using anything you say against you. 

3. When it’s Unclear Who’s At-Fault 

Under the personal injury law, you need to prove the negligence of the other party before you can file a personal injury lawsuit claim and recover compensation for your injuries.

However, proving someone else’s act of carelessness can become more complicated if it’s unclear who is at fault for the car accident. This is where a dedicated personal injury lawyer comes to the rescue. 

Unless you’re a legal expert in the field, you need the knowledge and expertise of a lawyer to be able to show proof that the other party’s negligence in a car accident caused your injuries.

Generally, they know how to prove the presence of the four distinct elements to file a claim. These can include: 

  • Presence Of A Duty – Your lawyer should prove the presence of duty from the at-fault party. For car accident cases, this duty is about driving safely to prevent a collision. For example, the driver has the duty to stop when the stop sign occurs. 
  • Breach Of The Duty – Aside from the duty, your legal counsel should also substantiate the existence of a breach of the duty. For example, if the driver who has a duty to stop at a stop sign lawfully fails to do so, they breach the duty. 
  • Injury – Your lawyer must show that you sustained emotional and physical injuries due to the other party’s breach of duty. They should present substantial pieces of evidence, such as medical records, police report, testimonies of the witnesses, and many more, for a lawsuit to go forward. 
  • Causation – This can be the most important element your lawyer should prove. In other words, they should justify your claim that the other party’s actions were responsible for your injuries. For example, if the other driver is unable to stop at a stop sign and, as a result, strikes you who’s driving safely, then the other driver should be held liable for your injuries. 

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Tobenna Erojikwe

4. When there’s A Need to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit Claim

When all negotiations with the insurance company fail despite diligent efforts, your next course of action is to file a personal injury lawsuit claim in court.

In doing so, you need to call a personal injury lawyer to represent and guide you with all the legal processes and other procedural requirements related to your unique situation. 

For instance, if you’re filing a personal injury lawsuit claim, you should work with a legal professional because they know the statute of limitations or deadlines required for the filing of cases. They can ensure you haven’t missed any deadline and waived your right to recover compensation for the damages you’ve suffered.


Indeed, car accidents can be complicated, expensive, and serious. Having said that, you should know when is the perfect time to contact a lawyer after getting injured in an accident.

Therefore, if you’re in doubt, keep these points in mind to help you determine whether you need legal help for your situation. Remember, by working with a lawyer, you can easily navigate the legal aspects, including the lowdown of personal injury cases. 

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