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Agric, Tech Collaboration Between Nigeria, Vietnam Will Deepen Relationship – Osinbajo

Agric, Tech Collaboration Between Nigeria, Vietnam Will Deepen Relationship – Osinbajo

With the opportunities existing in agriculture & technology in Nigeria and Vietnam, both countries will benefit from effective collaboration in these sectors and thereby deepen their friendly relationships.

Prof. Osinbajo made this assertion on Monday at the Presidential Villa during a courtesy visit by the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Nigeria, Luong Quoe.

“There are specific areas where we have talked about in the past, agriculture is one. There was also talk about cashew processing and rice growing and rice processing where Vietnam has shown great innovation and great success.  We think that these are areas where we certainly can do a lot more with cooperation.”

The Vice President also noted that other areas of collaboration between Nigeria and Vietnam would be in the interaction of young people actively engaged within the technology space in both countries.

According to him, “I know that Vietnam is doing interesting things in technology and telecoms sectors.  I think that we should look for opportunities where young people in Nigeria and Vietnam can interact especially in technology and share ideas, innovation, and their different attainments.  I certainly would like us to explore that possibility, especially in the area of technology with our young people.”

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In his remarks, Ambassador Quoe commended Nigeria’s role in Africa “as being enormous” and stated that Vietnam “would always wish to have Nigeria’s support in multilateral forums, most importantly the United Nations.”

He also mentioned that the economic potential between both countries is huge and hopes Nigeria “would soon recognize Vietnam as a country of full market economy and Nigeria and Vietnam would sign an agreement on investment, promotion, and protection.”

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