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Court Orders Forfeiture of $1.4m Linked to Former CBN Governor

Court Orders Forfeiture of $1.4m Linked to Former CBN Governor

A Lagos Federal High Court has ordered interim forfeiture of the sum of $1, 426, 175.14 linked to the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele.

The presiding judge, Justice Ayokunle Faji, apart from for­feiting the mentioned sum, also, ordered the EFCC to publish the interim forfeiture order in a national newspaper for anyone interested in the money sought to be forfeited to appear before the court and show cause with­in 14 days,why the final order of forfeiture of the said sum should not be made in favour of the Federal Government of Nigeria.

The judge made the or­ders, while granting an ex parte motion marked FHC/L/ CS/232/2024, moved by Mrs. Bilikisu Buhari-Bala, lawyer to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The money forfeited in the interim is said to be in Dona­tone Limited’s account number 2000000500 domiciled in Titan Bank Limited.

Buhari-Bala while asking the court to grant the orders told the court that the orders sought for are pursuant to Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud and other fraud-related Offences Act No. 14, 2006, and Section 44 (2) (B) of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

She also informed the court the grounds for the orders are: “that this honourable court has the statutory powers under the provisions of Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Related Offences Act, 2006 to grant the reliefs being sought.

“That the funds sought to be forfeited are reasonably suspect­ed to be proceeds of unlawful activities.”

Mrs. Buhari-Bala also told the court that the motion ex parte is supported with an affi­davit deposed to by one David Jayeoba, an investigator with the EFCC.

In the affidavit, the deponent stated that his commission re­ceived a credible and directed intelligence, which led to the tracing of funds reasonably suspected to be proceeds of un­lawful activities warehoused in the Donatone Limited (DL) Ti­tan Trust Bank account, which funds are reasonably suspected to be part of proceeds of unlaw­ful activities.

The deponent stated that the EFCC whilst investigating the fraud discovered a huge amount of money warehoused and concealed in the account of Donatone Limited, domiciled in Titan Trust Bank.

He stated that investigation revealed that some of the brains behind the fraudulent conceal­ment of funds reasonably sus­pected to have been proceeds of unlawful activities of the erst­while Central Bank of Nigeria’s governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, are the natural persons behind Donatone Limited, Uzeobo An­thony and Adebanjo Olurotimi, who are directors Donatone Limited.

The deponent further stated the followings: “Between 2021 and 2022, when accessibility to forex in Nigeria was difficult, several international entities operating in Nigeria had to re­sort to different means to source forex.

“That Uzeobo Anthony and Adebanjo Olurotimi used the firm to collect bribes and grat­ification on behalf of Godwin Emefiele, to get approval for accessing forex. And that one of the entities (NP) paid a total sum of $26,552 million into the account of firm domiciled in Titan Trust account number 2000000500.

“That the said credits came into the account of firm on November 9, 2021: $6,450,000; November 5, 2021: $6,050,000.00; December 16, 2021: $5,400,000.00; December 23, 2021: $652,000; Jan­uary 31 2022; $3,000,000.00 and September 21, 2022: $5,000,000.00.

See Also

“The investigation traced the funds to having been fixed into interest-yielding accounts, dis­sipated and laundered through a foreign account in Mauritius, and transported back to Nigeria under disguise.

“That of the total sum of $26, 555, 000.00 US dollars received by firm, the balance standing in the said account as at today is the sum of $1, 426, 175.14 mil­lion USD.

“That it is the balance in the account that the applicant seeks to forfeit to the Federal Government of Nigeria, which has been traced to be the pro­ceeds of unlawful activities of (GE) and his cronies. And that investigation further revealed that the international entities sourcing for forex were pres­sured into parting with huge funds to access forex during the period.

“That the signatories to the account warehousing the sum of $1, 426, 175.14 million USD, sought to be forfeited are at large and are making frantic efforts to dissipate the funds electronically. And that based on our investigation findings, the funds sought to be forfeited are proceeds of unlawful activi­ties of (GE) and his cronies. And that it is in the interest of justice to grant this application.”

Justice Faji, after granted the orders, adjourned the matter to June 25, for hearing of the final forfeiture of the money.

It would be recall that Justice Yelim Bogoro had on May 23, 2024, ordered interim forfeiture of $4.7 million, N830 milliion, and some assets linked to Eme­fiele.

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