Ethiopia Cancels Visa On Arrival For Nigerians

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The Ethiopian government has canceled Visa On Arrival, VOA for all countries including Nigerian citizens.
Before now, passengers traveling to Ethiopia could obtain their visa on arrival also called the Walk-in Visa but the latest development is that passengers have to apply online and on arrival to obtain their visas which is applicable to all nationals.
In a circular released by Ethiopian airlines, all Nigerian passengers wishing to travel to Ethiopia must obtain a visa from their embassy before traveling.
The circular captioned: NO MORE VISA ON ARRIVAL FOR NIGERIAN CITIZENS, as issued by Ethiopian airlines adds further that, passengers transiting overnight in Addis Ababa are not affected by the ban.
These include, passengers having a layover in Addis Ababa to travel the next morning to ZANZIBAR, SEYCHELLES, LUSAKA, LILONGWE, HARARE, and CAPE TOWN, among others are not affected by the ban and do not need a transit visa for their trips.
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