In Loving Memory of our Beloved Co-Founder and Operations Lead, Adavize Alao

Lawyard is a legal media and services platform that provides…
The Lawyard team today, fondly remembers one of its co-founders and former operations lead, Adavize Alao who died 16 August 2019.
A luminary in his field, Adavize was a man who gave much to his work, and to the field of Privacy and Data Protection.
He obtained his first degree in Law at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria and also bagged his Masters-at-Law (LLM) from the Hertfordshire Law School in the field of Data Protection and Intellectual Property Law. The award of his LLM by the University of Hertfordshire after his demise was in recognition for his exceptional research efforts and contribution to the evolving data protection field at the time of his death.
Adavize challenged and inspired us like only great leaders can. But there was more to Adavize than just a good lawyer. His love for his family and his compassion for others enriched the lives of many and his companionship often made any gathering that much better. It is hard to find the words to do justice to who Adavize was. He was indeed a great lawyer and an even better person.
We miss him dearly.
Lawyard is a legal media and services platform that provides enlightenment and access to legal services to members of the public (individuals and businesses) while also availing lawyers of needed information on new trends and resources in various areas of practice.