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Industrial Court Orders Arrest of University Medical Director for Contempt

Industrial Court Orders Arrest of University Medical Director for Contempt

In a significant legal development, Hon. Justice Oyebiola Oyewumi of the Abuja Judicial Division of the National Industrial Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH), for repeatedly flouting court orders.

The Court strongly condemned the CMD’s blatant disregard for the orders of the Court, noting that such behaviour from a public officer is unacceptable.

Justice Oyewumi directed the Nigeria Police Force to apprehend and produce him in court on March 7th, 2024.

From facts, the contempt proceedings were initiated by the judgment creditor Isyaku Sadiq against the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital for failure to comply with the Court directives.

The learned Counsel to the judgment creditor, Mr Godday Owobuwho averred that despite his client’s acquittal by a competent court of law and the directive given to the CMD to pay his client accrued salary, the CMD disobeyed the order and continued to subject Isyaku to administrative sanctions.

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The warrant for the CMD’s arrest highlights the Court’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and holding public officials accountable for their actions.

As the case progresses, it serves as a reminder of the judiciary’s climactic role in safeguarding justice and protecting the rights of individuals.

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