Legal Notices: LPDC Sanctions Legal Practitioners

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By legal notices issued under the hand of the Chairman of the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee (LPDC) on 13 August 2024, the LPDC has announced that the following persons have been found guilty of various professional misconducts, and have been sanctioned in the following terms:
I. ABIKOYE OPEYEMI TIMOTHY(SCN034372): Name is ordered to be struck off the Roll of Legal Practitioners; Abikoye is also ordered to refund N2, 359, 000 to the Petitioner.
II. JONATHAN CHINEDU NWAGWU (SCN052392): It is ordered that counsel should be suspended from engaging in legal practice for a period of 3 years from 24 April 2024; Jonathan is also ordered to refund N1, 943, 043. 70k to the Petitioner.
III. EDWARD OSEGHALE (SCN073464): It is ordered that counsel should be suspended from engaging in legal practice for a period of 2 years from 8 May 2023.
IV. CYPRIAN OBIORA IFEANYI AGWUNA (SCN005675): It is ordered that counsel should be suspended from engaging in legal practice for a period of 2 years from 20 February 2024.
Members are urged to take notice of these directions by the LPDC.
Lawyard is a legal media and services platform that provides enlightenment and access to legal services to members of the public (individuals and businesses) while also availing lawyers of needed information on new trends and resources in various areas of practice.