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NBA Ilorin Branch Honours Dhikrullah Adewale Balogun (DAB), With Meritorious Service Award

NBA Ilorin Branch Honours Dhikrullah Adewale Balogun (DAB), With Meritorious Service Award

The Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Ilorin Branch honoured Dhikrullah Adewale Balogun, fondly called DAB with a Meritorious Service Award at the just concluded 2021 Dinner/Award Night for his Service to the Branch as the Welfare Secretary between 2018 — 2020.

DAB was awarded alongside other Executive Members who served during the same period. The awards were given to them at the Nigerian Bar Association, Ilorin Branch 2021 Dinner and Award Night held on the 3rd of September, 2021 in Ilorin.

Dhikrullah Adewale Balogun, a former Welfare Secretary of the Branch and the current Vice Chairman of the branch, could not hide his appreciation after being presented the award.

To him, Nigerian Bar Association, Ilorin Branch is one branch he has served with his mind, soul and body and it was a great honour to have been awarded with an award of Meritorious Service.

“This is an indication that the Branch acknowledges every effort that was made as Welfare Secretary of the Branch.

“NBA Ilorin Branch has moulded me into the person I am today in the legal profession and whatever service I have rendered to the Branch is but a way of giving back to the Association in my own little way. I am currently still serving the Branch and I know for a fact that even when I leave as Vice Chairman of Ilorin Branch, I will continue to serve the Branch and humanity in general.

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“I am glad and happy. Gratitude goes to God Almighty, my fellow awardees, NBA, Ilorin Branch Executives, the Dinner Committee and all NBA Ilorin Branch members”, He quipped.

He also appreciated MAI Akande Esq who was the Chairman under whom he served as Welfare Secretary, for providing a conducive atmosphere to serve and give back to the branch and prayed for more wisdom and understanding for MAI and other former Executive Members to soar higher in life.

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