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NBA-SPIDEL Gives Out 40 Quality Bags To Prospective Members At The Forthcoming NBA Conference

NBA-SPIDEL Gives Out 40 Quality Bags To Prospective Members At The Forthcoming NBA Conference

NBA-SPIDEL is set to give out 40 quality bags to prospective members at the forthcoming NBA Conference.

Section of Public Interest and Development Law(SPIDEL) is the last of the Sections that was birthed in the Nigerian Bar Association by Dr Olisa Agbakoba SAN’s regime in 2006. Its main vision as a Section is to make Public Interest and Development Law fundamental aspects of national life and development.

It has a Motto which is “Promoting Social Justice and Development”.
Its tools of engagement includes Research, Legal and Policy Analysis, Workshops and Conferences, Consultancy services, Legislative Advocacy and Networking including strategic impact litigation on Public interest matters, amongst others.

The maiden Chairman was J.K. Gadzama, SAN who recently donated an office space for the Section at Plot 1805 Damaturu Way by Kabo, FCT, Abuja.

Duro Adeleye SAN and S.I. Ameh SAN were brief and interim Chairmen of the Section at different times before the Section went into limbo for reasons that is not the subject of this discourse.
However under A.B. Mahmoud’s tenure as NBA President, the Section was resurrected and a new Council chaired by Prof Paul Ananaba, SAN came on board and there was a strategic turnaround of the Section.

In May 2021 a new Council was birthed that saw the emergence of Dr Monday Ubani (Dr.MOU) at the helm of affairs of the Section as the Chairman after a very successful conference held in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Ubani speaking on behalf of the Section has promised that the Section will live up to its responsibility through aggressive membership drive and involvement. He also revealed that the SPIDEL Website has been improved with up to date information and a working payment platform created and linked to the Website for ease and seamless payment and registration for membership. The new registration and payment link is (Use any browser other than google search to access it)

The Section is the fastest growing Section presently and we solicit for every Nigerian lawyer both here and abroad to join the section for the sake of what SPIDEL stands and represents to the legal profession and to society at large.

Every lawyer with conscience must be interested in the society where he or she comes from and the essence of our calling is to make our society a conducive one where rights are protected and where the government respects laws and ensures good governance to her citizenry.

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The first 40 new members to register fully during the Annual General Conference of the NBA taking place at Port Harcourt between 22-28 October 2021 stands a chance of winning a good quality branded bag as a gift.

Do not be a Spectator, join the Section which is taking practical actions to make the Profession and Nation better.


Echeho Godfrey, Esq., FCAI, MCArb., ACTI
Publicity Secretary NBA-SPIDEL.

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