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Dean of Law Faculty at University of Calabar Endorses Olumide Akpata for Next NBA President

Dean of Law Faculty at University of Calabar Endorses Olumide Akpata for Next NBA President

I am enamoured of Akpata’s integrity and solicitude towards the younger generation. He emblematises altruism and the sublime virtues of moral rectitude. He seems packaged by God to lead and I believe he should be given a chance.

Olumide Akpata has over the years expressed a deep-seated concern for legal education in Nigeria, at the undergraduate level, the law school level and even continuing legal education as a lawyer. His commitment to capacity building stands him out from all the candidates vying for this office of President of the NBA.

We are in a moment in our professional history as an Association, where capacity, expertise, skill and depth of knowledge are key determinants of whether our practice will sustain itself. We are at that point where knowledge of emerging areas and significant ability to provide legal advice in them would open up the market for more and well-paying jobs for lawyers, and on the other hand, lack of this knowledge and capacity will cripple our practice. We need a President who understands that and can work tenaciously towards it.

Olumide Akpata is the man for the job.

Professor Michael P. Okom
Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Calabar.

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