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Ikeja Election 2020: Seyi Olawumi, Esq Bares Mind On Political Attempt To Malign Him

Ikeja Election 2020: Seyi Olawumi, Esq Bares Mind On Political Attempt To Malign Him

By Seyi Olawumi

My attention has been drawn to an online publication by one NEWSDISH, wherein it was reported that the Electoral Committee of the NBA Ikeja has disqualified Oluwaseyi Olawunmi on the following grounds:

  1. No official records of payment for branch due in 2018 as at when due.
  1. The receipt tendered by Oluseyi Olawumi is fishy because the signature on it is not that of the Financial Secretary of NBA Ikeja Branch as at the date of issuance.

I have also read on  the numerous NBA Ikeja whatsapp platforms that the Financial Secretary of the Branch fraudulently issued a receipt to my nominator when he ought not to have done so.

My initial reaction was to ignore this puerile attack aimed primarily to malign me but I understand that silence at times, may not be golden. So, for the benefit of our esteemed members who may be misled by this uncouth publication, I have decided to straighten the record thus;

Firstly, on the issue of ‘no official records of payment in 2018 as at when due’, I wish to state categorically that my sponsor, Mr. Omotayo Olatunbosun, did pay his Branch due as and when due as required by Law. Payment was made on the 9th of March, 2018 into the NBA Ikeja Branch’s Wema Bank Account Number 0120367393 at the Oba Akran, with deposit slip Number 00108972.

The said teller as well as a letter of confirmation issued by the bank as proof of payment has since been forwarded to the Electoral Committee for a just resolution of this query.

Secondly, there is absolutely nothing fishy about the signature on the said receipt and it is not true that the receipt was fraudulently issued.

The receipt was signed by the Branch’s Financial Secretary, the officer empowered by law to carry out such duties. Receipt was duly issued by him to Mr. Omotayo Olatunbosun after due confirmation of the payment from the Bank Deposit Slip dated 09-03-2018, evidencing payment of the said Branch Due for the Year. 

The truth of the matter is as stated above. Anything else is nothing but a fallacy designed to smudge my reputation and paint me in bad light but I know their evil machinations will fail because the Almighty God is a God of truth and justice.

I only wish that the actual author(s) of this piece of junk could come out to reveal their true identity so as to enable us join issues properly because this publication is not only misleading and malicious, but damaging to my reputation and integrity. I do not think that as lawyers we should engage in such act of cowardice to discredit fellow colleagues because of Bar politics and quest for power. It’s so sad!

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