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Olumide Akpata Commiserates with NBA Okehi Branch on the Death of Anthony Nwala

Olumide Akpata Commiserates with NBA Okehi Branch on the Death of Anthony Nwala

Senior Partner at Templars and immediate past Chairman of the NBA Section on Business Law, Olumide Akpata, has expressed condolences over the death of Mr Anthony Ikechi Nwala, a senior member of the NBA Okehi branch.

In a statement made this morning, Akpata said “I commiserate with the NBA Okehi branch on the loss of one of its fine lawyers. Indeed he will be missed by the branch and the NBA as a whole.”

Mr Akpata went ahead to offer condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of the deceased and prayed for repose for the deceased “I also extend my condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of the deceased, whom this loss has hit the hardest. May God Almighty grant them – and indeed us all the fortitude to bear the loss and may God Almighty grant his soul repose in the bosom of the Lord.

With sincere sympathy,

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