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“This is a Job Tailor-made for Olumide Akpata”-Adewunmi Ogunsanya, SAN, Endorses Olumide Akpata for the Office of NBA President

“This is a Job Tailor-made for Olumide Akpata”-Adewunmi Ogunsanya, SAN, Endorses Olumide Akpata for the Office of NBA President

I, Adewunmi Ogunsanya, SAN, hereby unequivocally endorse Mr. Olumide Akpata as an eminently qualified candidate for the Office of President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). This is a decision that I have carefully considered before making this announcement.

Indeed, in making this decision, I am keenly aware of my lineage, including with the greatest sense of humility and respect, the fact that my father of blessed memory, Chief Adebayo Ogunsanya, SAN was a past President of our great association, the Nigerian Bar Association, the largest Bar Association in Africa, and one of the largest, globally. Furthermore, my late uncle and Statesman, Chief Adeniran Ogunsanya, SAN was also a member of the Inner Bar.

Still, I wholeheartedly endorse Olu Akpata, because I strongly believe that he is the right person for the presidency at this time.

Olu’s outstanding record of accomplishments and, in particular, of SERVICE, is very much in the public domain and does not require the strain of reiteration in this endorsement, lest I inadvertently omit many aspects of his stellar leadership qualities and selfless service to members of the Bar.

I will however like to make the point that globalization is no longer a “nuance” or a phenomenon that affects a few. It is now the “new norm” for us all, whether as private Litigator, Solicitor, Corporate Counsel, State Counsel, Counsel in the Military Corps or whatever your area of practice and we all need the NBA to be properly positioned and focused to steer the legal profession in Nigeria into its rightful position in the globalised legal sector. This is a job tailor-made for Olu Akpata.

Olu Akpata has been impactful across board, and it is based on his already demonstrated affinity for Service, as distinct from promises of what a candidate might do, that I wholeheartedly endorse his bid to becoming the 30th President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

Fortuitously, my decision is, I believe, LITERALLY in consonance with moving forward into THE FUTURE, as is being done in various climes where those similarly situated, as Olu Akpata is today, have emerged as WORLD LEADERS. #ISupportOluAkpata.

Adewunmi Ogunsanya, SAN
Senior Partner, Ogunsanya & Ogunsanya
Chairman, Multichoice Nigeria Limited

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